A Sound Bath is a unique and wonderful blend of sound concert, meditation and transformative healing session, a sensory experience in which participants are awash in sound vibrations produced by singing bowls,  and other sound tools. The results are waves of peace, heightened awareness, and deep relaxation of the mind, body and spirit.

A Sound Bath can be an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation and an acceleration of their inward journey, one can enter the state of deep relaxation where the time and space boundaries are deleted. Time is suspended as you enter a world of vibration, sensation and experience. Physical injuries can be healed and old emotional traumas released. Great insights can be accessed. You feel truly, vibrantly alive. Sound bathing is said to work both the physical body and the subtle body and can help heal depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia, and to deepen meditation and spark creativity, among other benefits. Once you’ve had your first Sound Bath you’ll want more.

Sound baths are meant to help facilitate a shift in your brainwave state. Through frequency and entrainment with sound it’s possible, and very easy, to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), with the majority of people able to reach theta (meditative state) and even delta (where internal healing can occur).

Sound baths are for groups of people where each person has their own personal space. The experience begins with each person lying down on a comfortable mat often with cushioning. After a few minutes of breath work the remainder of the experience is filled with different sounds and frequencies being introduced in succession. The purpose is to induce relaxation and explore personal inquiry. Generally people leave sound baths feeling relaxed, energized, balanced, and re-tuned.

Mentally, the presence of these vibrations/frequencies acts as a specific point of focus to calm an agitated mind by reducing internal dialogue or chatter. The effect of this balances and shifts brain wave activity into the more peaceful Alpha and Theta states; resulting in improved clarity, concentration, activation of intuition and deeper states of relaxation. A quieted and peaceful mind then provides a ‘gateway’ to access deeper levels of consciousness, when connecting to the ‘inner self’ and that of the greater Universe (‘higher self’).

Physically, singing bowl vibrations have been shown to relieve tension, stress and pain through the effect of gently massaging the sympathetic nervous system (including associated organs, glands and connected systems). Vibrational sound energy has also been shown to support healing in chemotherapy patients, reduce pain and discomfort from fibromyalgia, and reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome or instances of depression. Similarly, energetic bowl frequencies promote feelings of relaxation, calmness, and peace for improved emotional health.


The process of healing the mind and body ultimately takes place on an energetic level; when the body’s energetic frequencies are ‘retuned’ to a healthy state of vibration and resonate harmoniously together. To achieve this overall state of energetic well-being, singing bowls can be used as a transformative tool to: clear blockages in the energy centres (chakras); increase flow within the energy channels (nadis); energise/restore the aura, and synchronise all subtle body energies. The presence of harmonic resonance in the Vajra body increases energetic potential for optimal function in all areas of our existence (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual).


“Nada Brahma” – World is sound, world is vibration

Quantum physics shows, thanks to its sensitive technology, that it is not just a metaphor, but that there is a natural scientific basis for this claim. What we call the material world are systems that vibrate and are interconnected by resonance. The pure substance (the atom and the electron of which it consists) makes only 0.001% of reality, the other 99.9% is the vacuum – the basis of a specifically vibrating pattern. Each elementary particle is surrounded by an electromagnetic vibration field, so each material structure has its own individual and irreplaceable vibration field



Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Various healing techniques all have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance. The law of nature is that everything strives to harmony, for example if two old clocks with unplanned pike are placed in the same room for a couple of days will be synchronized, if several people stay in the room a couple of days their heart rate will take a single rhythm.


Illness and health can be interpreted as one type of vibration or resonance phenomena. The more we are capable of resonance and vibration, the more healthy we are. What is our diverse biological rhythm balanced and the more we live in harmony, so in the resonance with our environment and people surounding us we feel better. A healthy man is spreads harmonious vibrations. The condition of harmony is very important because when we are in coexistence then we remain in our own being. safe and strong, we can deal with the tasks and challenges of our lives. The human body mostly consists of water and the water is a great sound conductor.

Photography by © Alexander Lauterwasser